TIA-942 is the telecommunication infrastructure standard for Data Centres. This standard however does not only cover the telecommunication part but also other important factors which lead to a robust Data Centre. The Data Centre will be reviewed for compliance in four categories:
Further areas to be examined are operational management and other important aspects such as health and safety aspects.
For each of the categories the Data Centre will be categorized in four Rating levels (Rated 1-4) as well as an overall Rating level.
The audit will provide a report of non-compliances as well as a EPI Certificate indicating the level of conformity to the ANSI/TIA-942 standard.
The TIA-942 Site/Facilities Certification is valid for 3 years. By the end of year-1 and year-2, the data center should undergo a surveillance audit. Depending on potential site changes since the official certification audit, the surveillance audit could be based on self-declaration, remote validation or in very rare cases an on-site inspection. By the end of year-3, the data center has to undergo a recertification audit in order to maintain its certification.