What is DPTM?
The DPTM Certification Framework was developed based on adapting and aligning it with Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) and incorporating elements of international benchmarks and best practices for organizations to demonstrate accountable data protection practices.
The DPTM certification establishes a robust data governance standard to help your business to increase its competitive advantage and build trust with your customers. The DPTM is a visible indicator that your organization adopts sound data protection practices.
Benefits to you
- Increase your business competitiveness both locally and overseas
- Uncover potential weaknesses and enable steps to mitigate risks, potential loss or misuse of personal data
- Provide assurance to your customers that your organisation is taking all the appropriate protections to safeguard their personal data
- Build trust and foster customer confidence in your business
- Demonstrate good faith compliance to enforcement authorities
Benefits to your customers
- Reduce the risk of accidental exposure or misuse of confidential/sensitive personal information
- Working with a company which has the DPTM certification maintains the organisation’s integrity to the safeguarding of personal data in its custody
- Instil confidence and trust further down the supply chain resulting in stronger customer relationships
Benefits to your staff
- Define clearly and precisely roles and responsibilities ensuring the proper handling of personal information
- Lower the risk of accidental exposure or misuse of confidential/sensitive personal information during and after employment
- Reassurance that their employer is meeting data handling security guidelines